Enterprise Reporting


Winner: Nicole O’Reilly, Hamilton Spectator

It would be hard for a reader not to appreciate the painstaking research, reporting and stark findings behind the mob wars series. Nicole O’Reilly untangled the crime web and laid out the connections in rich detail, allowing the reader to connect dots and truly understand the depth of the crimes connected to the organized mob families. She delivers a compelling narrative. Impressive work.

Susan Clairmont, Hamilton Spectator

Susan Clairmont of the Hamilton Spectator for her expose of sexual misconduct in Hamilton’s restaurant and bar industry. Clairmont delivers an insightful and shocking look into the actions of a chef whose food was celebrated, yet at the same time he was allegedly victimizing co-workers and associates. The time and care Clairmont spent winning the trust of former staff to tell their stories of harassment, sex harassment and sexual assault, is readily apparent and delivers a strong impact.

Runner-up: Terry Pender, Waterloo Region Record

Through his research into cemetery records, land titles, FOIPs and interviews Terry Pender put together a truly enterprising read about a little known Canadian political story of the origins of the Communist Party of Canada. Through his research, Pender brings those individuals long gone back to life, telling a compelling narrative of how a radical political movement emerged from its beginnings in a humble Guelph barn. Really appreciated the uniqueness of this story.


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2021 ONAs: Enterprise Reporting